Nullamlacus dui ipsum

Nullamlacus dui ipsum conseque loborttis non euisque morbi penas dapibulum orna. Urnaultrices quis curabitur phasellentesque congue magnis vestibulum quismodo nulla et feugiat. Adipisciniapellentum leo ut consequam ris felit elit id nibh sociis malesuada.

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Faculty Of Archaeology

The faclty of Archaeology was established in 1970 by decision of the effects of the current Council for Graduate Studies and Presidential Decree No. 1803 of 1970 in response made ​​by the Antiquities Authority as being in urgent need of all undergraduate majors after obtaining a sufficient amount of archaeological studies.

And then approved by the University Council on the establishment of a stand-alone college for archaeological studies involving students from obtaining secondary public spending projects by years, then get a bachelor's degree in archeology.