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The student should pass at least 144 credit hours (for conservation programs required at least 142 hours) divide into 4 academic years with 8 semesters to get the bachelor in one of the twelve available programs.
There is a summer semester provided every year with maximum registration 2 courses per summer semester for each student to pass any prerequisite or failed courses. The number of allowable registred courses are 12 minimum and 18 courses maximum per semester.
The student must pass a specific number of hours to pass to the next level determined according to each program and there is an allowness period of three weeks semester starating to drop or add courses.
The student may register for any course but he/she must finish first all the complesory courses and faculty requirements beside the prerquiste courses.
The must must attend at least 75% from the total number lectures and practicale visits, otherwise the student dropped form the course.
Level | Required Hours |
First | 36 Hours |
Second | 36 Hours |
Third | 36 Hours |
Fourth | 36 Hours |
The studying in the first level is common between all students whatever the specialization is by studying 11 courses with 33 credit hours.
The specialization starts from the second level according to certain criteria determined by the faculty.
Range | Grade letter | GPA |
more than 90% | A | 4 |
(85%-90% | B+ | 3.5 |
80%-85% | B | 3 |
75%-80% | C+ | 2.5 |
65%-75% | C | 2 |
60%-65% | D+ | 1.5 |
50%-60% | D | 1 |
less than 50% | F | 0 |
The student with GPA less than 1 in two first two years will be dissmissed or to be transfred.
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