The Fifth International Conference:
"Archaeology and Heritage in a Changing World"
29-31 October 2017

      Archaeological sites and museums in all the world contain large numbers of monuments, archaeological and heritage artefacts. They have many values and reflect the long and rich history of the monuments and artefacts in different countries. They are often in danger, due to either the lack of security or the unawareness of some people of its important value, or the bad environmental conditions and the natural disasters which threaten these museums and sites.
       As a result of these threats, which the archaeological and heritage artefacts are under, the international committees e.g. UNESCO and ISESCO pay great attention to the these artefacts. They set up laws and recommendations which clarify their importance, and how to protect and preserve them safely.
      The protection and the preservation of these archaeological and heritage artefacts are insufficient, therefore there is a need to focus on their importance, show their value to citizens, achieve their continuity on the long term, and find ways to benefit from them economically. The idea and the importance of this fifth international conference "archaeology and heritage in a changing world" are derived from these values. Its aim is to focus on the values of both archaeology and Heritage in museums and sites, presenting the problems and the different archaeological and artistic solutions, apart from the conservation, restoration, display and storage, etc.

Scientific visits include:
- Museums and archaeological sites in Cairo and Giza.
- Excavations of the Faculty of Archaeology in Saqqara.
In addition to the "Sound and Light Show" at the Pyramids.